The Pregio Società Agricola Semplice was established inside these unique and evocative lanscapes,that combine history with stunning natural beauty.

W e are in the Municipality of Serre, inside the province of Salerno, close to the natural WWF reserve of Persano, in the upper Piana Del Sele , between the Alburni mountains and the Calore river. Here the otter, the most important inhabitant, loves to play in the waters of Sele, among a great variety of plants and flowers.

The enchanting nature meets
legends and ancient myths

Persano was declared "Royal Site" for hunting by the Bourbons for its beauty and awesome wildlife.
Here, Charles of Bourbon in 1752, commissioned to Luigi Vanvitelli (the great architect of the Royal Palace of Caserta) to complete the charming hunting lodge “Casina Reale di Caccia”.

This green area along the Sele is close to the National Park of Cilento and Vallo di Diano and on the road to Paestum, which archaeological park, is part of UNESCO world heritage.

The territory is rich in natural areas and history, perfect for organized tours in the wilderness and cultural itineraries that will guide you to the discovery of the small coastal and inland villages an their artistic and cultural heritage.

This is the territory that we love, that we live every day, that we respect.

Our products tells the flavor of our land.

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